Want To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

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"I feel much better and have a lot more energy. It's a tremendous program."

- Jeff Price, Arizona

"I can honestly say my life has changed... and I've never felt better in my life."

- Marie Leible, California

"My mind is clearer and my vision has improved."

- Terry Ulanch, Utah

You Will Learn How You Can Naturally Relieve Diabetic Symptoms, Reduce Medications, and Worry Less About Complications From Type 2 Diabetes...


What Is "Type 2 Diabetes Is Reversible"?

If you're looking for a book that will start you on the path of finally reversing Type 2 Diabetes then you're in the right place.

Our book Type 2 Diabetes Is Reversible gives you the hope and guidance needed to live a healthier life with Type 2 diabetes... while also showing you that reversing Type 2 diabetes is possible with the right steps.

You'll also learn about the only patented system in the world that reverses Type 2 Diabetes and read real scientific studies proving why results are guaranteed.
Common diabetes complications like blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, amputation, Alzheimer's, erectile dysfunction, and cancer…are greatly reduced when you fully understand your condition and what steps to take to prevent those complications.

There are so many myths and so much misinformation floating around surrounding Type 2 Diabetes which makes it hard to find those answers.

Our book seeks to inform the misinformed and debunk the myths and present scientific proof that reversing Type 2 Diabetes is possible.

Most doctors will tell you it's not reversible and the only thing you can do is continue taking a never-ending cocktail of medications for the rest of your life to "manage" diabetes, which of course leads to more medications and possibly kidney damage.

If you're ready to stop the madness regarding this deadly disease, then strap in and enjoy the ride, because it is possible to reverse Type 2 Diabetes and this book shows you how.
"Using DRG's supplements had me feeling less bloated, with more natural energy, and stopped the cravings for a quick-fix sweet! "

- Rose Martin, Texas

"I would highly recommend this program to others."

 - Anthony Cox, Texas

"I feel so much better."

- Dawn Almstead, New York

What Are You Waiting For?

Reserve Your FREE Copy Today Before We Run Out!


Inside This FREE Book, Here Are A Few Of The Secrets Will Be Revealed...

  • ​What is Type 2 Diabetes and what causes the changes in your metabolism in the first place and how to control it... pg.13
  • ​The truth about carbohydrates and how your body breaks them down and transforms them into glucose... pg.13
  • A brief history of medicine and how ancient discoveries contributed to our modern understanding of medicine... pg.14
  • Why the Hippocratic Oath was created for doctors and how our modern medicine has roots in Greek philosophy... pg. 14
  • ​The single most important reason physicians claim Type 2 Diabetes has no cure and why they are wrong... pg. 15
  • ​The difference between Type 2 Diabetes and pre-Diabetes and why 122 million Americans suffer from both conditions... pg. 15
  • The #1 reason Diabetes is an epidemic in America and why no one is doing anything about it until now... pg. 16
  • Discover ALL the symptoms of Diabetes that so many doctors fail to identify and treat even after medical school... pg. 17
  • Why Diabetes is a condition that affects every part of your body and your life... pg. 18
  • The quick and easy way to understand Insulin and how it affects your blood sugar levels... pg. 18
  • ​The #1 key to avoid serious complications with Diabetes that the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know... pg. 19
  • ​​​"What's the difference between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes?" SIMPLIFIED... pg. 20
  • ​Simple changes you can make to your diet if you have high levels of glucose... pg. 20
  • The "hidden gland" that helps to control your blood-glucose levels - Hint it's situated just behind your stomach... pg. 21
  • ​​Why excess Glucose in your bloodstream is BAD for you and how to stay within your “target range”... pg. 23
  • 4 signs of high blood sugar and what to do when any of them happen... pg. 23
  • The 2 hormones that are stimulated by your stress factors and how the raise your blood sugar MORE... pg. 24
  • Why eating too much sugar effects on your immune system, nervous system and digestive system... pg. 25
  • How the medication that you’re practically mortgaging your house to pay for is not designed to cure you and how it is merely used to “control” and “manage” your Diabetes... pg. 27
  • Why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can only protect you so far and how the FDA is far too closely tied with the drug manufacturers... pg. 28
  • The "dark truth" about how pharmaceutical companies have a symbiotic relationship with many medical doctors in the USA and around the world... pg. 30
  • How your doctor is likely not specially trained in wellness, clinical nutrition, exercise and prevention... pg. 31
  • Why Diabetics develop other conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high triglycerides... pg. 32
  • The only way to combat this condition and prevent further complications without medication... pg. 34
  • The not-so-simple part of combating your Type 2 Diabetes that so many Diabetics miss... pg. 35
  • What supplements or herbs you need to take in order to make your body healthier and help normalize your lab readings... pg. 36
  • The 4 organs that control blood sugar and why Diabetics can't name any of them 95% of the time... pg. 36
  • ​Dangers of sugars and how your body becomes insulin resistant and stores excess sugars as fat... pg. 37
  • What you should be eating if you feel discouraged thinking about what you can’t eat – there is a long list of delicious foods you can eat... pg. 46
  • The list of foods you can eat and the list of nutrients that are part of Diabetes Reversal Group Patented System that reverses Type 2 Diabetes... pg. 48
  • The real cost of continuing to live with Type 2 Diabetes for yourself and your family... pg. 49
  • ​3 FREE Gifts and Bonuses you will receive when you take the time to read this book until the end and are serious about reversing your Type 2 Diabetes... pg. 50
  • ​...all of this and much, Much MORE!!!

About The Author 

Kristine Burke, M.D. ABFM, ABoIM, IFMCP
Diabetes Reversal Group Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Kristine Burke is triple board certified in Family Medicine, Integrative Medicine and Sports Medicine and she is a specialist in chronic disease reversal.

She has been reversing Type 2 Diabetes since 2006 and has 28 years of experience.

She has a busy medical practice in Sacramento, California and she is also the Chief Medical Officer for Diabetes Reversal Group, which has the only patented system in the world that reverses Type 2 Diabetes and guarantees results.

She has been married for 34 years, has 2 children and
1 grandchild (so far).

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Here's What To Do Next:

All you need to do to claim your FREE copy of "Type 2 Diabetes Is Reversible" today is fill out the secure order form on this page. 

Let us know where to ship it and we’ll get it out to you no matter where you are on the globe.

And remember: you also receive 3 FREE Gifts after you order the book… so you can start soaking in these lessons before the book even hits your mailbox.

But listen: you determine the value of your life by your choices.
What are you going to choose for yourself?
Kristine Burke, M.D. ABFM, ABoIM, IFMCP
Chief Medical Officer
Diabetes Reversal Group 
Diabetes Reversal Group's mission is to provide a natural diabetes treatment, non-drug approach to helping millions of people with metabolic and nutritional imbalances which can lead to many health problems. We are committed to providing you with the patented systems and custom-tailored programs you need to drastically improve your overall health.
DISCLAIMER: DRG doesn’t promise or guarantee full diabetes reversal UNLESS proper steps are taken on the patient's part, and the plan is followed exactly as directed by DRG.
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Diabetes Reversal Group (DRG)
750 N St. Paul Street, Suite 211 Dallas, Texas 75201

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